About The Cain Family Genealogy Website/CD

The intent of this website/CD is to collect, present, and preserve the genealogical information centered around the family of Francis J. and Mary Jane (Allen) Cain, and their ten children: Mike, Bill, Carolyn, Tom, Martha, Patty, Betsy, Susan, Barbara, and Brian.

The genealogy data was collected/compiled by Mary Jane Cain. Email her with updates/corrections or if any content is of concern to anyone.

The genealogy data is presented in a series of linked web pages, either containing a descendant table or an ancestral table for an individual.  In an individual's descendant table their known children occupy cells within their table, descending down through the generations. In an individual's ancestral table their two parents each occupy a cell above the individual's cell, ascending up through the generations.

Recording this kind of information using standardized HTML is simple, and makes it accessible to anyone with a web browser. Making the content available on the internet will allow family members to view and submit information,  resulting in a dynamic database of  family lineage which could be maintained for the benefit of future generations.


  1. The content of the website/CD can be downloaded/copied to your PC and maintained/updated locally using any website composer program like MS Frontpage.

  2. Currently, an online version of this website is maintained at http://abair.com/genealogy/CainFamily/index.htm.

Last Update Dec. 14, 2004
MultiMediaDesign by Chris @ Abair.com